Ep. 32 Being In a VICE Documentary Saved My Life w/ Kevin Babson


Kevin started using drugs at 12 years-old, and when we met at 15, we started using together.  Because we each had so much family chaos and trauma, we truly relied on each other to get by.  Our relationship involved drugs, cheating, abortion, violence, and pure chaos. It was toxic.

As some of you may know, I did a documentary with Vice a while back about drug addiction and the journey to rehab.  It featured my ex-boyfriend, Kevin Babson, and since then, you guys have been asking on a regular basis how he is doing! Well in this episode, I am joined by Kevin to talk all about our crazy past, his addictions, and ultimate recovery.  He also gives a little life update, and let me tell you, Kevin is a new man. It is so great to see him thriving in life. I hope you guys enjoy this episode, and find some real entertainment in all of the stupid shit we used to do as teens.   

Kevin and my relationship was definitely wild and toxic.  He started using drugs at 12 years-old, and when we met at 15, we started using together.  And since we each had so much family chaos and trauma, we truly relied on each other to get by.  Our relationship involved drugs, cheating, abortion, violence, and pure chaos. We had such a toxic idea of what love was at the time.  

When I got out of rehab, was sober and eventually married, I discovered that Kevin was still struggling.  He was in and out of jail, and needed help. Filming the Vice documentary was my first experience trying to help someone get sober, and thank God Kevin agreed.  Despite having some relapses and life obstacles, Kevin has made it out on the other side: clean, sober, and fully living his life.  

Episode Highlights: 

  • The ins and outs of our crazy relationship

  • The story of my first time trying Oxy

  • Kevin’s experience with jail, probation, and gang culture

  • How rehab changed Kevin’s perspective on life 

  • Getting out of toxic environments 

  • Shame: how it can cripple or motivate us

So what’s life like for Kevin now?  He has a girlfriend, a sweet daughter, is working as an artist, and for a CBD company. He is truly living up to his potential, and I’m so happy to see him doing well.


If you or someone you love needs help, go to alorecovery.com

Where to find: 

Show NotesAlexis HainesPodcast